Friday, July 1, 2011

Pics #8


  1. #1 - The spring at the St. Gabriel church, where Mary is said to have heard the annunciation; #2 - St. Gabriel church; #3 - The White Mosque in Nazareth; #4 - The Church of the Annunciation; #5 & #6 - The grotto where Mary is said to have heard the annunciation, according to Catholic tradition; #7 - The alumni part of the tour!

  2. This sounds like the prologue to another book, Steve. I'll be watching for it's publishing. Seems to me the gal on the plane was right: There are no Americans, Israelis, Palestinians, Africans or what have you. We are all one set of souls searching for our roots, in the Awesome Name of our Creator.

  3. .....and welcome home, sojourner!!!
